Thanks for your interest in our publications. In early 2023, UWM retired The Path. In its place we have have created two new e-publications.

UWM Connections will be emailed the 3rd Thursday of each month, solely focused on the information UWM needs to share with you: what is happening behind the scenes here at the central office, updates from our Board of Trustees and leadership, resources and tools to help you thrive, continuing education, and all the other ways UWM is working to support our membership, both leaders and ministries.

UWM Partners will be emailed the 4th Thursday of the month and focuses on communication from our organizational partners, sister organizations, and updates about what’s happening in the field. UWM Partners will give more attention and focus to communications from, for example, Unity World Headquarters, Unity Urban Ministerial School, EarthCare, SEE weeks in the field etc.  

And our Special Communications/Updates from the UWM Board contains as-needed time-sensitive news of importance to our Unity movement.

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